Subscription for News and Discounts
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ToggleYou've Got Mail
Subscribe using the form below and receive periodic emails with news, free safety forms and documents, and most of all discounts on services and online safety training. In the meantime, add the email [email protected] to your safe list of incoming emails so you don't miss out on deals. Service reductions can range from 10% to 30%. At the same time, discount codes can be sent to you as well for 20% reductions for online safety training. Under those circumstances, already inexpensive services and training become even more affordable when you subscribe. For this reason, there really aren't any excuses for not being safer at work.
We will not be sending out an email a day. Not even once a week. Surprisingly it's not our style to bombard your inbox with emails like most marketing plans. Therefore, we will only send out a thank you for subscribing and at most once a month. However, if something big in the safety field in the industry occurs, most likely we will send a special notice.
Discounts on Services and Online Safety Training
Receive discount codes for up to 20% off on Online Safety Training or how about a 10% to 30% discount coupon for Personal Fall Protection Training (classroom) and Respirator Fit Testing just to name a few when you subscribe.
All things considered, a subscription to our newsletters is just that, NEWS. Specifically special dates of events, safety items in the news, and links to blog posts and other literature. From time to time we might even send out attachments in MS Word 2016 of free safety forms and safety documents you might find useful.