

Resources, Helpful Information, Industry Calculators, Free Tools , Charts and Graphs

Helpful Information

Within this section are resources to find the helpful information you require. Together with government sites where you can find the Workers Compensation Act and Regulations. With that WorkSafe BC being the main source, to the Employment Standards Act. Charts and graphs and industry calculators you'll find very useful.  Included are, federal and provincial governing bodies website . Resources and links to the different associations with in industry are included. In the same fashion, each with their own structure and subsections full of additional information. Organized from a few of these sites, a collection of ToolBox Talks that have been structured for your convenience. All free tools for you to use. 

Charts and Graphs 

In the event that you need the information from a specific chart or graph, it might be here. Granted, we can't list them all here, however some very important ones will be featured. In particular, the areas covered will be primarily construction based. Yet these can flow into other occupations and be very useful. Such is the case with First Aid and the laws governing that area of protection on a jobsite. To emphasize, the amount of supplies required in a first aid room to the certification of the attendant as related to the hazard rating of the work area, number of people and distance to the nearest hospital. 

Industry Calculators

Provided by WorkSafe BC and fee to use are different calculators for industry. In the hope that managers will use these to make their sites even safer, they have been added to this site. These industry calculators are free tools for all to use.  

Workplace Incident Cost Calculator


Lift/Lower Calculator


Laws * Acts * Regulations * Associations