10 Benefits of an OHS Manual

10 Benefits of an OHS Manual


10 Benefits of an OHS Manual, company specific OHS manual

Accidents Happen in Construction

10 Benefits of an OHS Manual, especially when you're responsible for workers, are detailed here. Because  Accidents Happen in Construction, it's a dangerous profession, an inhouse company specific OHS manual protects everybody.  If you are in any way responsible for the health and safety of your workers, it is important that you have an occupational health and safety manual and program in place.  Your OHS Manual will help you with the following: 

1. You will be able to prevent accidents.

2. You will be able to identify and correct workplace hazards.

3. You will be able to train your workers.

4. You will be able to track the progress of your workers.

5. You will be able to respond to emergencies.

If You’re Responsible for Workers

If you are in any way responsible for the health and safety of your workers, it is important that you have an occupational health and safety manual in place. By following the guidelines in your manual, you will be able to keep your workers safe and protect your property. So don't wait, get your occupational health and safety manual today and start protecting your workers and your property!


Company Specific OHS Manual

Above all reason listed here, first and foremost, it's the law and mandated by WorkSafe BC Regulations 3.1 and 3.2

Here are 10 Benefits of an OHS Manual in construction and any industry form that matter:


1. A manual virtually guarantees the safe and timely completion of construction projects.

When it comes to construction, accidents can and do happen. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, construction workers are among the most accident-prone occupations. This is especially true when it comes to work in confined spaces, such as in a building or on a construction site.

Occupational health and safety (OHS) is a critical aspect of ensuring the safe and timely completion of construction projects. And, as we know, accidents happen. A manual ensures that all workers know the safe procedures for completing a construction project. It also ensures that all workers comply with all the relevant safety regulations.

If a construction project is not managed properly, it can lead to dangerous and even fatal accidents. Therefore, it is highly advisable to have an occupational health and safety manual in construction. Not only will this ensure the safe completion of your projects, but it will also save lives.

2. Occupational health and safety manuals improve the quality of life.

The benefits of having an occupational health and safety manual in construction are many and varied. Here are five of the most important:

1. Improved quality of life.

2. Reduced injuries.

3. Reduced downtime.

4. Reduced health and safety costs.

5. Improved safety compliance.

When it comes to safety, having a written safety policy in place is essential. This policy should be based on an occupational health and safety manual and should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.

An occupational health and safety manual will not only improve the quality of life for your employees, but it will also reduce the number of injuries and illnesses, and save both time and money

3. A manual makes workers more aware of their safety surroundings.

There are many benefits to having an Occupational Health and Safety Manual in construction. Not only will it make workers more aware of their safety surroundings, but it can also help reduce the number of accidents in the workplace.

For instance, if a worker is aware of the hazards associated with a particular task, they are less likely to take risks. This can result in less injuries and less time off work. Additionally, if there is an accident, the worker will be better equipped to deal with the situation.

An Occupational Health and Safety Manual can also help to prevent future accidents by setting out clear guidelines for workers. This will help to ensure that everyone in the construction industry is aware of the safe working practices that should be followed.

If you're looking for a way to increase safety and efficiency in your construction business, then it's important to consider having an Occupational Health and Safety Manual in place.

4. Occupational health and safety manuals protect workers.

An occupational health and safety manual (OHS manual) is a document that informs workers about the risks and hazards of their work and the precautions that must be taken to protect themselves from them.

A key benefit of having an OHS manual is that it can help to prevent workplace injuries and accidents. In addition, an OHS manual can help to prevent the spread of health and safety hazards. An OHS manual can help to prevent workplace injuries and accidents. An occupational health and safety manual can help to prevent the spread of health and safety hazards.

For example, an OHS manual can help to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, such as tuberculosis. An OHS manual can help to prevent workplace injuries and accidents. It can also help to prevent the spread of dangerous materials, such as asbestos. An OHS manual can help to prevent the spread of health and safety hazards. It can also help to ensure that workers are aware of the risks that they are taking on when they are at work.

5. A manual reduces the incidence of workplace accidents.

Having an Occupational Health and Safety Manual in construction can be very beneficial to both the workers and the company. It can help to reduce the incidence of workplace accidents, and it can also help to improve the safety of the workers.

An Occupational Health and Safety Manual can cover a wide range of topics, including safety measures for the workers, safety procedures for the company, and health and safety information for the workers. A manual can also help to ensure that the workers are aware of their rights and the responsibilities that they have in relation to occupational health and safety.

A manual can help to improve the safety of the workers, and it can also help to reduce the incidence of workplace accidents.

6. A manual reduces the need for litigation.

Construction is a dangerous industry, and accidents happen. When an accident happens, it's important to have a manual in place that outlines the proper safety procedures. This will reduce the need for litigation and help to keep your company and its workers safe.

A manual also helps to keep your workers safe. It outlines the hazards that may be encountered on the job, and it provides instructions on how to deal with them. This will help to avoid injuries and help to keep your workers safe.

A manual also helps to keep your company's paperwork organized. It will help to keep track of all the safety data that is collected during the course of a construction project. This will help to avoid any confusion or disputes down the road. A manual is important for any business, and construction is no exception. By having one, you'll help to keep your company safe, your workers safe, and your project on track.

7. A manual helps workers feel safe and supported.

An Occupational Health and Safety Manual can help workers feel safe and supported on the job. It can also help identify potential hazards and provide information on how to avoid them. A manual can help workers feel confident they are doing the right thing when working in dangerous or potentially harmful environments.

It can also help workers to report injuries or incidents if they occur. A manual can help employers to comply with the relevant regulations. It can also help employers to develop work practices and safe work procedures.

A manual can help workers to understand their rights and how to assert them. It can also help employers to identify and address any issues early. A manual can help to promote communication and cooperation between workers and management. It can help to build trust and improve communication. A manual can help to keep workers safe and promote their health and safety.

8. A manual helps workers feel responsible for their work.

There are many benefits of having an occupational health and safety manual in construction. Chief among these is that it helps workers feel responsible for their work. When workers know the risks and are aware of the steps they need to take to prevent accidents, they are more likely to be safe and do their job correctly.

It's also good to have a manual in case of a fire. If you have a written plan of how to deal with a fire, you're less likely to panic and make mistakes. Lastly, a manual can help with disputes between workers and management. If there is an issue with a job, for example, the manual can help to resolve the dispute quickly and fairly.

9. A manual helps workers communicate effectively.

Having an occupational health and safety manual in construction can help to prevent accidents and injuries. In fact, a study by the Construction Industry Safety Council found that accidents caused by unsafe practices cost the UK construction industry 2.7 billion a year.

An occupational health and safety manual can help workers to communicate effectively. This can avoid misunderstandings and potential accidents. It can also help to ensure that workers know their rights and responsibilities. An occupational health and safety manual can also help to prevent accidents from happening in the first place.

It can help to identify potential hazards and make sure that workers are aware of the safety precautions that need to be taken. A manual can also help to resolve disputes. If there is a disagreement between workers, an occupational health and safety manual can help to resolve the issue. In short, a manual can help to ensure that workers are safe and that accidents don't happen.

10. A manual helps workers feel empowered.

When you're in the construction industry, it's important to have an Occupational Health and Safety Manual in place. Not only will this help you to keep your workers safe, but it will also help to empower them. For example, if there's a danger posed by a particular piece of equipment or material, the manual will indicate what should be done in order to minimize the risk.

Additionally, it will outline procedures for dealing with incidents that do occur. Having a manual in place also helps to ensure that everyone working on a construction project is up to date on the latest safety regulations. This will save time and money in the long run.

We hope you enjoyed our blog post about the benefits of having an occupational health and safety manual in construction. OHS is important for many reasons, not the least of which is the potential for serious injury or death. By following the tips in this post, you can help prevent these tragedies from happening. We hope that you will share this blog post with your colleagues in the construction industry, and we look forward to hearing about the results!


Owner of FreeBird Safety Services. An Occupational Health and Safety company Specialising in Construction. Founded in September 2011. OH&S Professional, Occupational First Aid level III

With Over 30 years experience in General Construction including Single Family Residential Construction, Multi Family Residential Construction, Commercial, Industrial and Infrastructure Construction.

Personal Fall Protection Instructor since June 2016, with hundreds of workers having taken the 8-hour full day training program I Designed and Developed as per the WorkSafe BC OHS Regulation Part 11: Fall Protection

Respirator Fit Tester since Jan. 2013, with upwards of 10,000 workers protected. Over 3000 essential services workers alone during Covid-19. All under the WorkSafe BC OHS Regulation Part 8.32 to 8.45 and the CSA Standards Z94.4-02