Qualifications and Certifications
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ToggleNew Resume
In the beginning, re-education for construction safety started in the spring of 2011. Putting the tools down and picking up the books, I was on my way to the University of the Fraser Valley. Education and Knowledge were required. To begin with, the first of many courses to come. Of all the training I have taken, my first certification as a level 3 Occupational First Aid Attendant was the hardest.
To this day I still hear my instructor Bev's voice ringing in my ear saying "Mike if you have a problem, fix it. Now what's the next step with your patient". I've come a long way since then. Next, receiving training from BCIT, the BCCSA, online with WorkSafe BC, the CCOHS, and a few different schools to recertify my OFA III. Listed below are links to my files online illustrating the accreditations and certification that I currently hold.
Certification, Training, Recommendations

Past training with expired tickets.
Traffic Control Person
H2S Alive (Sour Gas)
COR Internal Auditor
Ground Disturbance II
Because of the shift in designations, I am working towards receiving my BCNCSO designation.
Recertifying expired tickets are upcoming as well as these future courses
COR Internal Auditor Certification
BC Legislation and Construction Safety Admin
WHMIS Train the Trainer
And any other Relevant Training
Non-Documented Mini-Courses from
CCOHS online classroom
Furthermore, additional education began in the spring of 2016. I took these e-Courses through the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety. Despite not being classified for any type of accreditation, what they do supply is awareness of the issues that are part of modern-day life. Therefore, knowledge gained online from the federal wing of the OH&S Legislation can still be utilized in creating a safer construction site.
Understanding where any specific e-course comes from is the key. The curriculum being instructed must reflect the environment, OH&S legislation of both the area and industry a person works in. However, in some cases, e-learning will never be recognized. For example, a New and Young worker who takes a course online in Personal Fall Protection from a reputable safety firm will not be recognized.
Other Careers Creates Knowledge and Skills
I also have to mention that in my youth into my 30s I also had other employment that has added to my portfolio s as well as my knowledge base. I also operated both a flat deck and one-ton wrecker for various towing companies when construction was slow. There's no better on-the-job experience on how to deal with people and remain calm as well a respectful than conducting certain BCAA calls.
Keeping Others Calm
Imagine it's 8:00 pm on a cold winter's night. There are over 20 inches of snow on the ground, you have already worked a 10 hour day non-stop, and every towing company is at least 3-5 hours behind on calls due to the combination of events. People are upset, to say the least. Picture that scenario, and you learn quickly to hold your tongue and find techniques to calm customers down. It became an invaluable experience.
Knowledge-Based Courses Only
Educating Other
From time to time I find myself with an urge to write about a topic that's graced my presence. Most articles are published in the hopes that what has been said will be used to inform others. The end result I am hoping is educating other people so they remain safe and go home at the end of the day to their families. Below are links to a few blog post articles I've written.
Construction Safety * What Is It