Best Fall Protection Training, Metro Vancouver to Fraser Valley

Best Fall Protection Training, Metro Vancouver to Fraser Valley

Table of Contents

1 Best Fall Protection Training, Mobile Service Van. to Hope, Fall Arrest Course, Fall Protection training construction

Mobile Fall Protection Training, Metro Vancouver to Fraser Valley

As a HUGE benefit both financially and educationally, we have gone mobile with our training services. Now Mobile Fall Protection Training. We will come to you and your crew. If you're on a construction site, Mobile Fall Protection Training will come, or even if you wish to train on a Saturday at home, Mobile Fall Protection Training will come. How about if your crew is remote. Ya, Mobile Fall Protection Training will come there to, providing a cube van can is able to drive in. (Distance surcharge may apply) 

Mobile Fall Protection Training Course, Metro Vancouver to Fraser Valley

Fall Protection for Construction Workers and OPEN to Everybody

Fall Protection Training is known by so many names. Fall Protection for Construction, Personal Fall Protection, Fall Arrest Training, just to name a few. Yet without a doubt, it's essential for Construction Workers. The first thing to remember, this program is designed and instructed so students get an in-depth understanding of the legal requirements as per the regulations, types of fall protection, how to properly decide which to use after an assessment, inspecting harnesses and lanyards, and how to properly use fall protection so it protect and not cause an injury to a worker. 

Fall Protection Administration 

Another key point is the administration side of fall protection. With attention to detail, each Construction Worker is instructed on how to properly fill out any of the nine blank forms they’ll receive in their student package. Specifically, both of the harness and lanyard inspection forms, which are an annual and a daily. As well as three hazard and or risk assessments form. Plus, four tool and equipment pre-use inspections. The most important form in Fall Protection in which instruction on this is lengthy, is the Site-Specific Fall Protection Form.

Fall Arrest Training

Fall Protection Training or more in accurately called, Fall Arrest Training in truth, is not just for construction workers. Who else must wear fall protection? If at any time a person is working at 10 feet or higher and within 6.5 feet from an unprotected leading edge, that worker must use fall protection. The WorkSafe BC Regulations 11.2 states this fact. The risk of a fatal fall increases dramatically if you don't use it. Fall Arrest, Travel Restraint, Guardrails, and so much more workers need to know. With that being said, on any walking path where the next lower surface is 4 feet or more, guardrails must be erected.

Warning to Learn By

Heed my warning from somebody who knows first hand. Everybody loses their balance while working at heights. Every Construction Worker thinks the same thing when first starting out in the trades. I'll have time to grab onto something and regain my footing. That's just a receipt for death. I personally fell from the 5th section of 5X7 scaffold when I was in my early twenties. Wishing I had fall arrest training, I was lucky and landed in 14 yards of freshly dump sand. You might not be so lucky.

Personal Fall Protection System

Remember, Construction Workers can not simply put on harnesses and lanyards at work. Training is a requirement. If not by FreeBird Safety Services, then pick another company. Take a training and learn about a Personal Fall Protection Training System, and save your life. Is $200.00 and a day of your lime Not worth it?  

New Video about Fall Protection

A new video about fall protection for construction created by FreeBird Safety Services and hosted on the company YouTube Channel will open your eyes. Construction Workers Injured or Killed by Falling from Heights has the statistics. Even more so, for some reason, people are still suffering injuries and death because they didn't take proper training. It's a no-brainer. Why wouldn't you train and use it? 

Hierarchy of Fall Protection  

Fall Protection Hierarchy, These are the Top 3 Choices for Fall Protection and especially fall protection for construction. 1st Guardrails, 2nd Fall or Travel Restraint (800lbs), 3rd Fall Arrest (5000Lbs). The weights listed are the minimum requirement for temporary anchors as stated in the WorkSafe Bc Regulations 11.6 Why would fall arrest be so much more than fall/travel restraint? Because Arrest allows a worker to fall of a leading edge with greater ease.  


Fall Protection Hierarchy, Hierarchy of Fall Protection, Top 3 choices in Fall Protection, 1st Guardrails, 2nd Fall or Travel Restraint (800lbs) , 3rd Fall Arrest (5000Lbs)

Fall Protection Hierarchy

Course Overview

 Workers Successfully Completing This Course Will Learn

Personal Fall Protection Training Curriculum follows the 13-point criteria set forth by the British Columbia Construction Safety Alliance or BCCSA. In addition we have added a multitude of additional instructions that we feel rounds the training off into a much better defined and informative program.

Over 50 Key Areas of Training

Utilizing a 196 Frame PowerPoint Program

With 21 Embedded Videos for Instruction

    1. Pre-Training Orientation/ Emergency Procedures
    2. Risks of Working at Heights
    3. Basic Responsibilities of Workers
    4. The Right to Know
    5. Right to Participate
    6. The Right to Refuse Unsafe Work/ Flow Chart
    7. Protection from Discrimination
    8. WorkSafe BC Regulations
    9. Hazard Assessments and Controls
    10. Hierarchy of Hazard Controls
    11. Job Safety Analysis
    12. Field Level Job Hazard Assessment
    13. Site-Specific Fall Protection Plan
    14. Hierarchy of Fall Protection

First Break 

    1. Guardrails: Specifications, Location
    2. Floor Openings
    3. Control Zones
    4. Generic Personal Fall Protection System
    5. Harness Classifications
    6. Fall Protection Equipment Inspection/ Daily and Annually
    7. Cleaning and Storage of your PFPS Equipment
    8. Active vs. Passive Fall Protection System
    9. Fall (Travel) Restraint lanyards
    10. Fall Arrest lanyards
    11. Lanyard Inspections
    12. Retractable Lanyards and Inspections
    13. Tool Lanyards


    1. Snap Hooks
    2. Carabiners
    3. Rope Life Lines
    4. Rope Grabs
    5. Rails on Tower Ladders
    6. Vertical Life Lines
    7. Permanent Horizontal Lifelines
    8. Anchors
    9. Fall Protection for Roofs
    10. Calculate Falling Distance
    11. Swing Fall
    12. Results of a Fall

Afternoon Break

    1. Ladder Safety
    2. Step Ladders
    3. Extension Ladders
    4. Equipment Standards
    5. Rescue Procedures
    6. Suspension Trauma
    7. Relief Straps
    8. How to Donn (to put on) a Harness Correctly
    9. Scaffold Basic 
    10. Self Propelled Aerial Platforms  
    11. Integrating A Fall Protection Plan into an Existing OH&S Management System
    12. Practical Exercise #1: Correctly Formulate a Site-Specific Fall Protection Plan and Rescue for a mock working scenario
    13. Review
    14. Practical Exercise #2: Feel your own weight while Suspended in a Harness
    15. Correctly answer a 20 Question Test (Passing Grade is 80%) 

Call Now for Registration (604) 226-5933

or email at 


Personal Fall Protection Training 

Program Description

Training Course Outline 

  • Required is a Full Day. Fall Protection Training Course is 8.5 Hours Long (based on 1st time course takers, recertifications go much quicker). 
  • Training starts at 8:00 am with doors closed at 8:10 am
  • The finishing time is about 4:30 pm
  • Breaks are at 10:30 am and 2:00 pm (15 minutes) with a 45-minute lunch at 12:00 pm Noon.
  • Maximum of 10 tom 12 Students at a time. (Smaller Class creates better curriculum retention)
  • Structured Training uses a 193 frame PowerPoint Presentation with Embedded Videos for Instruction

Students Receive

  • Students receive a 65-page manual
  • Two laminated wallet cards to help calculate fall distance & swing hazards
  • Students also receive my personal business card. (for free advice and consulting 24/7)
  • Two hard hat stickers, FreeBird Safety Services & Day of Mourning
  • Once a course is completed an 8.5 X 11-inch wall diploma
  • Plus, a Laminated Wallet Card Certificate of Completion
  • A student who fails the course, receive up to 2 additional hours for 1 on 1 instruction and retesting

Additional Material for Students 

In addition to the Student Training Manual, each student will receive 11 blank forms for their use as needed in relation to fall arrest training and Fall Protection Program on any site.

These are:

  1. Site-Specific Fall Protection Plan
  2. Daily Harness and Lanyard Inspection
  3. Annual Fall Protection Equipment Inspection
  4. JSA Job Safety Analysis 
  5. FLHA Field Level Job Hazard Assessment (for working at heights)
  6. Standard FLHA Field Level Hazard Assessment 
  7. Ladder Safety Checklist
  8. Job Built Ladder Specs and Instructions WorkSafe BC Approved
  9. Scaffold Safety Checklist
  10. AWP Daily Inspection
  11. Scissor Daily Inspection   


Personal Fall Protection Training Program 

$200.00 Per Person 

Discounted pricing on group registration. 

Credit Cards Accepted, Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover

Also accepted Company Cheques

Contact  Us Today For Course Scheduling 

Personal Fall Protection Training Program  * Instructed by Mike Winbow

(604) 226-5933 



Fall Protection Manual is encrypted and watermarked. Not for  Replication and Distribution

Student Training Manual    

My Personal Guarantee: 

Important to realize, if any student does not pass the Fall Protection Training program final exam,

they are welcome to stay an additional 2 hours for further 1 on 1 instruction at no charge. To emphasize, this course is not about profit or notoriety. Without reservation, the only factor this course is about is your safety while working at heights and using fall protection for construction, plus worker safety

I like to keep my classes smaller than the average safety training facilities do. Most like to have over 10 to 20 students in a personal fall protection program. Whereas I will only instruct 10 to 12 people at one time. Fewer people equal easier and better comprehension for students learning fall arrest training, personal fall protection.

Let me bring the classroom to you

What if you have a large group of workers who require Personal Fall Protection Training. Would you like to have the course conducted at your location? This can be another option for you. I have the electronics to make my classroom mobile. I can come to you and instruct your workers at your location.

Ask me again why you need to take a full day for a Fall Arrest Training, Personal Fall Protection Program and PLEASE follow the correct procedures when your working on the roof. Because “Fall Protection Can Save Your Life”

FreeBird Safety Services Commitment to Each Student


A relevant comparison between fall protection for construction training programs will have you call me. Without a doubt the cost of this course, the curriculum delivered, and the extras, are some of the least expensive around. Students receive a 65-page student manual personally designed by myself, and 2 laminated wallet calculation cards for swing and fall hazards. All in all, I am also available 24/7 to every past student within their certification timeline for any future advice. Indeed, I'll answer questions, and consult with graduate students. Furthermore, a laminated certification card for their wallet is proof of training. Also, a laminated diploma for their wall. 


Policy Rules 

  • Missed course dates can be rescheduled
  •  First Aid Attendant is fully supplied and on location
  • Injuries prior to training must be reported
  • All injuries received prior to training must be reported
  • Course Cost must be provided prior to Training (can be paid for on the day of)
  • Discounts for group
  • FreeBird Safety Services reserves the right to excuse any student from training for harassment of others, violence, impairment, or criminal activity, (non-refundable costs). 
  • FreeBird Safety Services will not tolerate any of those behaviors mentioned. Every student has a Right to Learn without issues of others disturbing them.




Metro Vancouver, Fraser Valley Regional District, Agassiz, Abbotsford, Aldergrove, North

Vancouver, West Vancouver, White Rock, Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster, Richmond, Delta, Surrey, Langley, Port

Moody, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam  , Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge, Mission, Chilliwack, Hope, Lower Mainland

Fraser Valley, Okanagan, British Columbia