Legal References
Table of Contents
ToggleLaws * Acts * Regulations * Associations
British Columbia
Legal References
Legal References, free links to Laws, Acts, Regulations, and Associations and other Free Resource. The ones who make the rules and regulations. Every name phrase below is linkable back to the organization it's named for. Above all, everyone has some influence into the Safety Culture. From Government and Private Organizations and Associations, it can get kind of confusing. These are in place to assist and provide information when required to both workers and managers alike. They consist of Federal, Provincial, District and Local Area Associations.
Even more so, there are links to certain Acts, Regulations, Standards and Policies. WorkSafe BC being the foremost authority provincially in British Columbia. The Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety as the federal wing and only watches over federal projects. Under WorkSafe BC is the BCCSA, British Columbia Construction Safety Alliance, followed by the numerous smaller associations. In addition is links to Employment Standards and the Act. Not so much as a safety link, but more so about a workers rights.
Other Resources
Workplace Incident Cost Calculator
Lift/Lower Calculator
OHS Links Province of Alberta
Below are links to web pages for the Province of Alberta and their OHS Legislation.
However, unlike other jurisdictions within the Alberta system on Pdf files are available. Links to specific Parts or Sections are not available.
Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Occupational Health and Safety Regulation
Occupational Health and Safety Code