Taken Out by a Speck of Dust

  For Jim Hobbs and his daughter Janice Martell   Taken Out by a Speck of Dust When I heard her say “When you watch a man like that, get Taken Out by a Speck of Dust, You Fight” after describing who her father was, my emotions were very evident. Feeling both sad and mad caused my heart to drop, my throat swelled and wouldn’t […]

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Uneducated Facebook Policy For 1 Of My Services

Uneducated Facebook Policy /Complete Ignorance Regarding Safety  Complete Ignorance Regarding Safety The Uneducated Facebook Policy is the result of a Complete Ignorance Regarding Safety. An absolute lack of knowledge, dictated the decision to delete content based on their Woke Misinformation. With the truth now coming out about Twitter and how they manipulated posts to their own illogical thinking, the time has come to force Facebook […]

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How Respirator Fit Tests are Done N95

How Respirator Fit Tests are Done N95 How to conduct a Respirator Fit Test For N95 and Respirators, when searching the question “How Respirator Fit Tests are Done N95” or similar How to conduct a Respirator Fit Test? , it seems every answer on Google starts the same way. They jump right into the actual procedures and miss the entire front end of the process. The […]

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8 Reasons VeriFit Tops Sweet or Bitters

8 Reasons VeriFit Tops Sweet or Bitters 8 Reasons VeriFit Tops Sweet or Bitters. When conducting a Qualitative Respirator Fit Test, there are several advantages when using VeriFit Irritant Smoke Generators rather then using Sweet and Bitter Solution. From time in conducting the tests, cost to the tester associated with each, medical concerns and cost to test subject of company. However, first a little background […]

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10 FAQ on Respirators Masks Fit Testing

10 FAQ on Respirators Masks Fit Testing 10 FAQ on Respirators Masks Fit Testing These are the 10 FAQ on Respirators Masks Fit Testing asked over the past several months during COVID-19. I have been asked as a professional respirator fit tester with over 2000 people protected in early 2020 alone, hundreds of questions. I choose these 10, however if there’s other questions people wish […]

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3D Printed Respirator

When the N95 Masks Run Out 3D Printed Respirator The making of a 3D Printed Respirator is now a reality. When I first heard about this and the doctor who created one, I was more than sceptical. Yet all it takes is an emergency of epic proportions to force the human mind and drive for survival to seek a solution. That’s exactly what an Orthodontists named […]

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Surgical Mask vs N95 Respirators

Surgical Mask vs N95 Respirators Surgical Mask vs N95 Respirators Surgical Mask vs N95 Respirators are complete opposites of each other. Respirators are worn to protect you from what ever substance or material you’re working with that has the capability of being inhaled and causing you injury or worse. Surgical masks have gaps and offer little to no protection at all. They’re for others protection […]

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