Time to Regulate

Time to Regulate

Occupational Health and Safety Professionals

Time to Regulate, Give us your opinion. Contact us here  

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Courtesy of The Toronto Star Newspaper Ltd. 

Lack of regulation poses a public safety danger to Canadian workers

Workplace accidents, like this one at a downtown Toronto construction site in March, took the lives of 852 people in 2015.

Improving Canada's occupational health and safety system, by regulating professionals in the field, would help, Paul Andre writes.
Mon., Sept. 4, 2017

For Many Canadians

For many Canadians, Labour Day means the end of summer and a long weekend spent with friends and family. But the holiday was originally created to celebrate trade unions and their contributions to improving workers’ rights. In that context, Labour Day is an important time to reflect on how we can honour that legacy. Improving our occupational health and safety (OHS) systems is a crucial way of doing just that.

Workplace-Related Fatalities

In 2015, according to the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada, there were 852 workplace-related fatalities in Canada. Workplace injuries are even more common. The association found that an average of 672 workers were injured every day on the job in Canada in 2012. Every day. And those numbers only cover workplaces where workers can receive provincial compensation benefits.

Injuries and Deaths Have Fallen 

Fortunately, the frequency of work-related injuries and deaths has fallen drastically since the 1980s. This can be attributed to strengthened OHS regulations and more focus on improving OHS outcomes by unions, professional associations and industry. However, during the last decade, statistics measuring workplace injuries and fatalities have stopped showing signs of significant improvement. Clearly, there is still much room to improve OHS regulations and outcomes in Canada. A cornerstone of that push for safer and healthier workplaces should be the study of other countries and their success in that area.


In Canada

In Canada, OHS falls primarily under provincial jurisdiction, with federal legislation applying only to federally regulated workplaces. Provincial governments routinely review and update their OHS laws and regulations, but they have been complacent about regulating the people responsible for administering OHS in the workplace and at the scene of likely accidents — OHS professionals. That stands in marked contrast to many comparable jurisdictions.

Germany and Italy

In Germany and Italy, for example, federal and regional governments regulate the educational and professional qualifications required to work as an OHS professional. A similar regulatory system exists in Singapore. OHS professionals are regulated by Royal Charter status in the United Kingdom, which delegates oversight of the field to a government-recognized association. Chartered status has been applied to some professions in Canada, including accountants.


Overall, several countries with similar systems of government to Canada are leaders on regulating OHS professionals, which ensures consistency and drives best practices for the health and safety of workers. For Canada’s provincial governments, those examples, showing that regulatory oversight of OHS professionals has been successfully implemented in other jurisdictions, should serve as touchstones for future changes to OHS policy.

The Trend

In Canada, the trend towards government oversight of professions is clear and strong, which is a welcome development. Home inspectors, paramedics and human resources professionals are now regulated in some form in one or more province, to name but three examples. In fact, provinces are increasingly regulating a suite of health professionals that may include everyone from dental hygienists to diagnostic sonographer, but not OHS professionals.

Lack of Regulations 

Because of the lack of regulation of OHS professionals in Canada, there are many people claiming to be OHS professionals without any formal education or professional training. That poses a public safety danger to Canadian workers. Regulating OHS professionals as other countries have done would be a significant step forward in making Canada’s workplaces safer and healthier.

As we celebrate Labour Day in Canada, there could be no better time to take that next step to ensure that Canadian workers leave work healthy, uninjured and alive every day.

Response to Article

Past Site

A company I worked for in Abbotsford decided to replace me with another person after 13 months of service. The same site where the BCIT CNST-1100 classes came for a field trip. The class loved what I was doing. The replacement was the son of a personal friend of the company ownership.  This kid who is only 20 years old with less than one year construction experience was now the site safety coordinator. Yes, he has an EMR with the OFA III equivalency. However no professional training or certification for the position of safety. From what I understand a person needs 3 consistent years in the trades to even apply at one of the programs teaching the CNST-1100 course. 

Just the Beginning

We all know that the 2-week course is just the beginning. Yes, ultimately the Primes ownership and Site Superintendent are responsible for the safety of the working crew and are the ones who go to jail if shit hits the fan. However, if the role of site safety has no consequences regarding decisions, then anybody who is willing to take on that role, really has no initiative to educate themselves. Plus they wouldn't care to, because they don't hold any responsibilities. Resulting in a loss of  passion for safety. Then it becomes just a job.

Why We Do It 

We don't enter into the safety and first aid occupations to become rich. We do it because it's a calling. I'm sure you all can attest to that. We are here because it is our passion. It's what we believe in and it's our moral, and ethical duty to protect workers. It sure is way more than just a job.

Less than 5 years

A person with less than 5 years hands on work experiences in whatever occupational sector they wish to work in, doesn't have the experience for the position. You have to recognize a hazard, the risks to workers because of that hazard. Not to mention how to professionally mitigate that problem. At the site I previously mentioned, there were at one time over 200 souls who worked there. They all had somebody who wanted them home after work without injury or worse. Being the safety coordinator is a lot more than making sure everybody has their hardhats on.  

By Mike Winbow  

Sept. 12, 2017 

Owner of FreeBird Safety Services. An Occupational Health and Safety company Specialising in Construction. Founded in September 2011. OH&S Professional, Occupational First Aid level III

With Over 30 years experience in General Construction including Single Family Residential Construction, Multi Family Residential Construction, Commercial, Industrial and Infrastructure Construction.

Personal Fall Protection Instructor since June 2016, with hundreds of workers having taken the 8-hour full day training program I Designed and Developed as per the WorkSafe BC OHS Regulation Part 11: Fall Protection

Respirator Fit Tester since Jan. 2013, with upwards of 10,000 workers protected. Over 3000 essential services workers alone during Covid-19. All under the WorkSafe BC OHS Regulation Part 8.32 to 8.45 and the CSA Standards Z94.4-02

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